Change of Plans


We’ve been planning on staying in Costa Rica for a full year, and which would mean leaving for Colombia in December. However, cialis from the start we have juggled the idea of staying eight months or a year. It’s a bit of a long explanation that I won’t bore you with, case but the bottom line of it all is that it is in our best interest to leave for Colombia in August. We need to go through some training with missionaries who are currently there because they will be leaving at the first of 2007 for a year and we will be taking on part of their responsibilities. Please keep us in your prayers. We are incredibly excited to get to Colombia, but that means we need to get focused on getting our visas, making sure we learn as much Spanish as possible and get in the “leaving mode” again. We have spent time in prayer about this decision and we feel at peace that this is the right thing to do. The biggest downfall to this decision is that it will cut Corey’s language learning a bit short, which he is sure to pick up along the way in Colombia, but please remember him in your prayers as he tries to squeeze the most Spanish possible out of this next trimester.
