

After 375 days out of the country I, click Tona, malady had my first trip back to the States. I went to Newport Beach, sovaldi California, for an LACC conference. They’ve recently updated the whole system, so I went to learn how to use it. I was excited to get back to the States – especially to go shopping for things we’ve missed. It was a wonderful time meeting other LACC coordinators and how the program works in other countries.

At the end of the conference I had about 24 hours with Corey’s brother and sister, Brian and Nicole, and a friend, Scott, in Palmdale. That was the highlight of my trip! Not only was it awesome to see family, but it was the first time in a long time that we could just hang out minus the kiddos and have fun – don’t get me wrong, I love all the kids, but sometimes it’s fun to just have time with the grown-ups. We went four-wheeling through the mountains and had time to chat and hang out. It was a great feeling to be “home” again and very interesting to realize how different my life is out of the country than living in the States. Little things like free refills and toilet seats in the bathrooms made me chuckle at how different life has become for us. After a wonderful, interesting week, though, I was ready to get back to Colombia and my family!

