When You See It In Writing…


Today is my birthday, buy cialis but since I’ve passed the 27 mark (a few years ago now), I’ve stopped counting and the day passes mostly like any other day. Today, however, was different. I’ve enjoyed the wonder of Facebook for a few years now, but I don’t think any as much as I’ve enjoyed it today. Over a hundred friends left me birthday messages (116 at our last count!) and I spent the day laughing over shared memories and marveling at the many different walks I have encountered all of these friends. Some go back to high school, some even further to my childhood church leaders and friends. Messages from former partners in youth ministry, youth, missionary friends from all over the world and new friends we’ve met through itineration have popped up today. I marvel at how amazing God is, at the people he brings in our path at the perfect time.

Lately a few different groups of these friends have talked about the “glory years” where everything just seemed perfect. I’ve had those times a few times in my lifetime, where for a season we had a support group, a bond that held us tight, a perfect meshing of our paths, but at some point everyone had to part and move on to the next season. That doesn’t diminish those relationships, but to look back at those friends in those precious times who helped us through different circumstances can only be the orchestration of our Creator. He is so good!
There were several messages that brought me to tears today – those from our precious kids in Colombia. Our “glory years” with them were just beginning when we returned to the States and there are more to come – I have no doubt about that! They wrote such sweet sentiments and how much they missed us. My heart aches to be back in Colombia – to finish the work God had started with us and to embark on new ministries to reach more.
As we continue this journey, please keep us in your prayers. There is no greater birthday wish I have than to be in Colombia, preferably tomorrow, but anytime in the very near future would be wonderful!
Thank you dear friends for making this day so special!