Want Some Banana Bread?


Our overage of bananas has turned our kitchen into a bakery. We distributed a lot of the bananas, buy cialis but we realize now we should have given out a whole lot more. I spent the past two days making banana bread! It’s been fun, viagra though. It’s really amusing what gets everybody excited. I took the bread to school – we have a snack table that you can buy candy bars – and I put the bread out with a sign that said “free” and I never even had a chance to get a piece. (This was in a very large 10X15 pan or so). The natives were especially excited because usually when someone puts baked goods out they ask for a little bit back. So with my overage of bananas I was able to take another large tray of bread in for the students, check a separate tray in for the professors and a bunch of mini-loaves for my classes! We still have a bunch of bread left – oh yeah, I forgot to add in that I had already delivered bread a couple times to our neighbors, too. So if you’re in the mood for banana bread and can get here in the next day or two… come on down!

