To Each His Own


When I was in middle school and high school my favorite time of year was track season. I enjoyed running but I loved the days when the weather was nice. As you looked over the track and field you saw people everywhere in groups working on their events. The high jumpers were taking their turns and chatting while they waited, sale the sprinters were flying around one side of the track while the hurdlers were jumping on the other. Every corner of the grounds had something going on and when the weather was nice most everyone was in good spirits. When it got really close to summer there’d be other teams around practicing and sometimes the marching band getting started for the next season. I still love spring and being in places where there’s lots of activity and energy through a crowd.

Today was one of those days that reminded me of spring. Every morning this week we’ve had services designed to encourage and build up all of the missionaries. As the service was coming to a close I looked around and just took in the sights around me. Some were chatting and laughing in the back, happy to see friends for the first time in years. Some were singing. Some were praying. Some were crying. So much was going on in that one room. People were unloading burdens, reconnecting, having quiet time, lost in praise…you get the picture. My heart swelled with peace being in the midst of all of the activity and energy racing through this incredible crowd of people. What an amazing place to be!

