LACC Choir Tour ~ Day Ten


Today was the last full day for the kids to be in the U.S. My three girls were eager to get up early and take advantage of the swimming pool! They had lots of fun swimming in the morning and then we took off to drive about four hours back to Southern California. I should put a little commercial in here. Our director was able to secure some of the best hotel rooms for incredibly low prices through Priceline. They kids were able to stay in places like the Holiday Inn and the Hilton for around $50 a night! After our drive we arrived at the Hilton. We went out for a last dinner at Carl’s Jr.

We were talking to the kids and guessing how many had packed on a few extra pounds. When one of the leaders asked the boy who always eats double, click “Why do you eat so much?” He said, “Teacher, I never get to eat pizza or burgers. I come from a very poor family and we don’t always have food.” It brought back the reality of just how difficult the lives of these children are. Many of them have told me their stories whether it’s living in a horrible area, dangerous places, homes where there is abuse, alchoholism or extreme poverty, they have all come through so much.

Once we returned to the hotel it was time for one last shot at pool fun! The kids all swam until it was almost time to close.
