Everybody take a deep breath!


Colombia needs your prayers. South America needs your prayers. We know that in everything God has purpose and in this moment we are anxious to see what direction that will lead Colombia. If you haven’t seen the news, site let me give you a quick rundown of my understanding – although I would highly advise reading the news yourself since it all gets kind of confusing and lots of supposition is involved.

First of all, ask FARC is the leftist rebel group, the guerillas, who are known for having hundreds of kidnapping victims in the jungles. These include some very prominent people including three Americans. Their conditions are reported to be horrible and many are sick or injured and forced to exist in extreme conditions.

On Sunday night the Colombian army attacked a FARC camp and killed the #2 leader. However, apparently this attack took place a mile within the Ecuadorian border. That angered Ecuador and Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president. At this moment Ecuador and Venezuela are sending hundreds of the troops to the border. Why? Well, they’re both seemingly good buddies with the FARC. President Uribe, of Colombia, is going the route of getting international courts involved. Things are just a little bit loco around here as threats and angry rants are being thrown around as more and more evidence surfaces of governments funding and protecting the FARC.

Here is where one wonders what God is doing right now. It seems crazy to me that world leaders can be so irrational. FARC is a terrorist group. They kidnap people. They kill people. They have terrorized this country for decades. Why would anyone support them? But as more information comes out we find they have several presidential friends throughout the world to empower them. As I’ve talked to Colombians and Americans it seems in light of all of this conflict and impending potential of war that many are holding out for a change for the better for Colombia. Finally the world will see (hopefully) what has been going on here for years. Finally the FARC will have to be confronted one way or another. We wonder if war will come or if it is already here. We wonder if lives will be lost. Will the captives be set free? Could something so drastic lead this country back to God? Oh, to have God’s panoramic view.

I write this less in worry and more in wonder of what the future holds. The tensions and expectations of something big weigh on us, but could it be that God is bringing restoration to Colombia?

Please pray for Colombia and all of the leaders of our world, especially at this point in time for the leaders throughout Latin America who seem to be making choices for the left or the right. Pray for wisdom. Pray for God to take over thier hearts, especially the ones who seem out of control on a power high and are just looking for a fight.


1 thought on “Everybody take a deep breath!”

  1. Shan Wallace says:

    Hello tona,

    I will certainly pray because we have family in bogota and you guys are family too!

    We are wondering what God is doing in our family because my work has slowed down and we are struggling to make ends meet.

    I need to tell you that we had to stop our sponsorship of out little girl and her brother. It’s breaking our heart but we are down to nothing and I mean (nothing). To the point that when they would deduct our account for LLAC sponsorship, it would cause us to be overdrawn and fees applied that we don’t have.

    I’m really sorry and we want to pick back up when things get better and would so like to have the same two children. They said it was possible but they must try and get them another sponsor so they can stay in school. We want that more than anything and we pray someone will pick up the $64 a month for us until we can do it again.

    We will continue to pray for you and ask that you pray for us.

    This message is just for you guys and i would prefer you not post it but do what God tells you to do.

    You can reach me at the studio:

    shan@gamads.com :at work
    wallace5725@charter.net :annie

    we love you guys….

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